Radio Stream

It is official. My big announcement for the radio stream is no more. In one fell swoop, I lost my ability to send the stream and I lost my shoutcast server provider. I can not find any way to broadcast for less than 200.00/month right now. I will continue to keep looking for options. If anyone knows of any colocation services that I can use a minimum of 25 gigs a month without spending a fortune, please let me know.

The site will keep going and I hope to have a lot more content to send your way. As always, send your stories, news and thoughts our way.


New Music Releases For July …. (yes, I know its late)

Yes, the post is late. You have my permission to hunt me down and beat me like the dawg I am. Anyhow….

Many new releases this month. Including…

Cradle Of Filth

Alice In Chains

Perry Farrell

Old school metal heads will be pleased this month, as there are many releases in this category. Including these two puppies that Ive been waiting for…



Click “Read More” for the complete list.

Continue reading New Music Releases For July …. (yes, I know its late)

The Charles Schuldiner Medical Fund Auction

I would not normally post things like this, but my wife is an Oncology Nurse and I know the toll cancer can take on a person and everyone around them. Fans of the independent Death Metal Scene might recognize some of the names.

Anonymous Writes: The Charles Schuldiner Medical Fund Auction kicks off again on July 16th. For updated listings on new items, as well as information on how you can help contribute to Chucks ongoing healthcare, visit


Road to Ozzfest!!!

Erthdawg and I are off to Ozzfest in the morning. It is going to be one hell of a show. Ill give a recap of the show as soon as I can.

I know the site has been slow lately, but summer seems to do that to the web. If anyone out there has a stories to write or if you see anything interesting, be sure to keep us in mind. If you see any concerts this summer, let us know how they were.