In anticipation of the release of BF2, we decided to do a GRB BF42 Custom Map Blowout. Some of these maps have been previously released, while several of them are never before seen maps by our members. These maps have not gone through our normal testing procedure, but it would be a shame to never release them for everyone to enjoy.
So join us for Friday Night Fights on February 25th for a BF42 Custom Map Blowout. From the plane madness that is Pilot School to the intense ground pounding action of Fields of the Fallen to the Skull inspired Curse of Skull Island to the multilevel action of House of Hellsing and the unforgettable forest of Ghost Front. We promise there will something for everyone. The action starts at 7pm CST and goes until the early morning.
Download Available Here!
Fields of the Fallen | House of Hellsing | Ghost Front | Dunes | Infiltration
Pilot School | Down The Barrel | Curse of Skull Island |GRB|
Special thanks goes to |GRB| LoU-Cipher, |GRB| GreatXScott and |GRB| Raze for putting the time and effort into making these maps. Many thanks go to all the |GRB|’s that have helped test the maps, promote the custom map events and for giving Battlefield 1942 just a little more reason to be the best Battlefield game ever. As always, thanks to |GRB| ephil for putting together this kick ass installer program that makes it so easier to install custom maps.
One last thing, EA/DICE, Get off your asses and give us a way to deliver custom maps via the game. People want custom maps, but there needs to be an easier way to get them into the game. It would be in your best interest to make this happen. The Custom Map Community deserves more support than you are giving us.