Forgotten Hope 0.67 Release Date

The Forgotten Hope Team has posted release dates for their upcoming patch to their Battlefield 1942 Mod:

Forgotten Hope 0.67 Linux Server (Full): March, 6th at 1800 GMT (12:00 Noon EST)
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Server (Full): March, 6th at 1800 GMT (12:00 Noon EST)
Forgotten Hope 0.67 Windows Client (Update from 0.65 or 0.66): March, 6th at 2000 GM (2:00 PM EST)

The news update contains a lot of information (as well as a cool new wallpaper, and you can read the rest at the Forgotten Hope Website.

BF42 Custom Map Blowout!

In anticipation of the release of BF2, we decided to do a GRB BF42 Custom Map Blowout. Some of these maps have been previously released, while several of them are never before seen maps by our members. These maps have not gone through our normal testing procedure, but it would be a shame to never release them for everyone to enjoy.

So join us for Friday Night Fights on February 25th for a BF42 Custom Map Blowout. From the plane madness that is Pilot School to the intense ground pounding action of Fields of the Fallen to the Skull inspired Curse of Skull Island to the multilevel action of House of Hellsing and the unforgettable forest of Ghost Front. We promise there will something for everyone. The action starts at 7pm CST and goes until the early morning.

Download Available Here!

Fields of the Fallen | House of Hellsing | Ghost Front | Dunes | Infiltration
Pilot School | Down The Barrel | Curse of Skull Island |GRB|


Special thanks goes to |GRB| LoU-Cipher, |GRB| GreatXScott and |GRB| Raze for putting the time and effort into making these maps. Many thanks go to all the |GRB|’s that have helped test the maps, promote the custom map events and for giving Battlefield 1942 just a little more reason to be the best Battlefield game ever. As always, thanks to |GRB| ephil for putting together this kick ass installer program that makes it so easier to install custom maps.

One last thing, EA/DICE, Get off your asses and give us a way to deliver custom maps via the game. People want custom maps, but there needs to be an easier way to get them into the game. It would be in your best interest to make this happen. The Custom Map Community deserves more support than you are giving us.

Illuminati – Machines – ROCKS!

Once in a while, we get unsolicited requests to play songs from Indie Artists. We are always on the look out for great music and have no problem listening to what you have to offer. Unfortunately, not all bands fit into our mix of music and not all bands are equal.

This was not the case when SG of Illuminati sent us a request to check out their song, Machines. All I can say is this song kicks ass and fits right into our line up. So, listen for them on the Gamers Radio Stream, drop by their website and check them out. If the rest of their music is this good, you can expect to hear even more Illuminati on our station…….

Was John Lennon The Devil?

Blabbermouth reports: Over the last few years there have been two artists that have claimed to have created the famous heavy metal “devils horns” hand signal: Ronnie James Dio (BLACK SABBATH) and Gene Simmons (KISS).

We have discovered irrefutable photographic evidence that is was none other than Beatle John Lennon that created the famous sign in 1967. Furthermore, it was even used in animation for the BEATLES “Yellow Submarine” (just check the original vinyl album cover). These are two photographic images that can be tied down to specific years PRIOR to the 70s. [see full story for more and photos]

Full Story:

Talk About Strange Bedfellows

Launch reports: As two of the stars of the upcoming movie the Dukes Of Hazzard, Willie Nelson and Jessica Simpson will be recording a duet for the films soundtrack. There is no word yet on what song the two will sing, according to Rolling Stone. Simpson tells the magazine, “Were still deciding. We have a couple (of songs) we like.” [see full story for more]

Full Story

New BF2 Screenshots

These screenshots come to us via the EA Spain BF website. I would like to point out they do not look anything like the previous screenshots we have seen from the game. If you ask me, they are not near as polished as what we have seen before. Is this closer to what we can expect from BF2?

What do you think?

Live Chat with the Creators of Gary Grigsbys World at War

Gary Grigsby introduced me to PC Wargames with a little game called “Steal Panthers” that hooked me from the moment I played the demo in 1996. Mr. Grigsby is still making turn based strategy games with tremendous depth, and here is a press release regarding a live chat event happening tomorrow:

Matrix Games to Host Live Chat with 2by3 Games on Feb 17th at 10:00 PM Eastern

Staten Island, NY, Feb 16th, 2005 – Matrix Games ( and 2 By 3 Games ( are happy to announce a live chat session with Joel Billings and Gary Grigsby of Gary Grigsbys World at War that is open to the general public. The topics of discussion will be their upcoming title Gary Grigsbys World at War and their previous title War in the Pacific, which is currently available from the Matrix Games website.

This rare opportunity gives fans and newcomers to the genre a chance to ask the creators of the game nearly anything they want, either about the games or about developing complex strategy titles. The chat is set to begin at 10:00 PM Eastern US time from the Matrix Games website. The chat is accessible through the Services section of the Matrix Games website ( Joel, Gary, and others will be taking questions from as many fans as time allows. Continue reading Live Chat with the Creators of Gary Grigsbys World at War

Can Enterprise Be Saved?

I am a big fan of SciFi. I especially love Star Trek and have watched every series to come down the pipe. I was excited when I learned the next major Star Trek series would focus on the first Enterprise. As a fan, I could only imagine the cool things they could do with Star Trek history so established, yet still open.

Sadly, UPN has done a terrible job of supporting Star Trek Enterprise, putting it up against other highly viable SciFi series like Smallville and StarGate SG1 on the SciFi channel. If it wasnt for my Tivo, I would be in big trouble, but I had managed to keep up.

Now, the official Fan website, Enterprise Fans has taken up donations to place a full page ad in the LA Times, requesting that Star Trek Enterprise be saved or at least picked up by another station. I support this endeavor and could only dream of a SciFi Friday Night with Star Trek Enterprise, StarGate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica.

Oh and if you are wondering, I watch them via Tivo on Saturday. I couldnt miss our Friday Night Fights…. 🙂

Big Station Update

We are always looking for new bands to add to the radio station, be it signed or unsigned. We went through several hundred songs and came up with a list of what we think are some interesting sounding indie artists. We hope you like them. As always, use the Live365 browser thumbs up and thumbs down to tell us what you think of these songs. If you dont like it, we wont keep playing it. If you do like them, make sure you give it a thumbs up!

Here is the list. Keep an ear out for them. Listen Now!

ArtistSong – Album
FailsafeDoyle – Nothing But Sky
fallenFeed off the Negative – Half Of What You Wanted
StigmaDisease On Demand – Half Of What You Wanted
ALLOSCollapsing Machine – Across The Room
Channel 43My Qal Gal – Road to Anywhere
DomiUninspired – Pharaohs Daughter
GrindboxMy Disease – the sea of somthing
IdiotDeviation – Nothing But Sky
IntangibleLean – Elevate
IntangibleRelease – Elevate
Mobiswither – Just Like That JennaRation
NGBCold – Fear of Flying
NGBCold2 – The Spiral Eyes
Patience WorthIn Vain – The Bad Machine
Redesignwait for you – Lynoleum
redlightmusicBeautiful – redlightmusic
redlightmusicSay It Again – redlightmusic
SOUND&FURYPerfectly Wrong – reflections
SPLYTThe Other Side – Figureheads
TechnocracyHow We Die – Crush
THUMPFLUIDBroken Crown – Nine
TWYTCHHatred – Light Of Day
zombies of the stratospheretown & country – Kill The Music: Volume 1

First Look at Mod Tools for BF2

I saw this last week on the EA site when it came out, but didnt realize that there was so much information about the mod tools that DICE is creating for BF2. DICEs Battlefield Mod Coordinator Lawrence Brown (Formerly of Trauma Studios) has put together a quick introduction to the mod tools. What seems like it will be the greatest improvement is that it is an all in one package for mapping and modding existing objects. New models and animations will still need to be done in a 3rd party software such as 3DMax or Maya, but everything else can apparently be accomplished in the different subsections of the modding program.

You can read all of the details in the February 4, 2005 Community Update.