All posts by Atomm

Tool – Lateralus!!!!

It seemed like forever, but I finally have the latest Tool album, Lateralus! Its awesome! I added it to the stream. It is in heavy rotation, so you should get the chance to hear the whole thing quite often. Check it out! While you are listening to the stream, read this great interview done with Tool by CDNow. They finally open up about their time “apart”.

The latest virus for the PS/2 ?!?!?

I almost shit a brick when I read this one. Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) and aohell are teaming up to bring aohell to the Sony Playstation 2. You can check out the full press release here.

You will have to pardon me. I must go take a cold shower and wash away this filth. I feel so violated for even suggesting you go to an aohell site. Mommy….!

Counter-Strike: True Game of Skill or Hackers Paradise?

For about a year now, I have been an avid player of Counter-Strike. Counter-strike is one of Half-Lifes most popular mods, and for a reason. The game is fast paced, realistic and requires teamwork and strategy. However, just as all games have problems with hackers, CS is no exception. This game has been plagued with scripts and hacks since day one. The big problem is; These hacks are very simple to design and can be found almost anywhere on the net. The game used to be fun; but not anymore, now there are cheaters running rampant in servers. Hacks such as, “Wall Hacks” (makes walls see through) and “Aim-Bot” (aims for you by using special colored models) have turned it into a free for all. Luckily, not all games are so ruined. Many other Half-Life mods are cheat free (for the most part). The problem is, there arent nearly as many people playing thos games, so, you could find it hard to get a good game going. I had to write this, as I have been struck down by a cheaters bullet far too many times, and today was the day where I chose to speak out against it! Continue reading Counter-Strike: True Game of Skill or Hackers Paradise?

Your In Our World Now!

Your in our world now! That’s what the ad said. Boy, did they mean it. Their world! They own it! Screw all of you, you stupid, moronic, shameless lemmings! They are and you will be assimilated. Oh wait, the Cyborg race was killed a few months back with the demise of Ultima Worlds Online: Origin. Nevermind! You will be…… Brainwashed? Nah! You will just get screwed again! YEA! That’s the ticket!

Now, where was I? Oh yea…. I started this story to tell you about and some of the “rumors” abound…..
Continue reading Your In Our World Now!

Black Sabbath Recording Again

All four original members of Black Sabbath are in the UK where they are currently writing and recording a new album. Meanwhile, Ozzys band is back in the USA recording the music for his next solo album. “No More Tours” Indeed! ::snicker::

Its great to see them actually colaborating on a new album. I will be excited to hear some of the new work. How about you? What do you think?

Shadows of Luclin – Bombastikas Opinion!!

Every night that I spend wandering the lands of Norrath, I look to the skies and the heavens, and wonder, in utter awe and fear, what new adventure or horror the God-Known-Only-As-V will next drop upon us, its poor and ill-prepared champions. Now, I will fear no more when I look up to that night sky, and revel in the glory that is the moon of Norrath

For the Shadows of Luclin are coming, and bringing with it everything I love and hate about Norrath, and Everquest. Continue reading Shadows of Luclin – Bombastikas Opinion!!

Metallica Dishes the Dirt in Playboy

I picked up the March (Hey, its a long boat ride from the UK.) issue of Kerrang! the other day and saw some highlights of the April Playboy Magazine interview of Metallica. The interview was done two months before Jason announced he was leaving the band. I believe it also sheds some light on why Jason actually left. In case you missed it, I would suggest finding a buddies issue that isnt sticky and ::gasp:: actually “READ” the Playboy interview. I know no one will ever believe you, but when Kerrang! said the only person to remain remotely diplomatic was Kirk Hammett, I thought everyone should know.

Site Update

I hope you like the new site a little better. I have streamlined everything in an attempt to make the site easier to navigate. I added a new option to the users information to opt out of future email from us. We are committed to your privacy and we want to make sure you have the option to tell us you do not want email on future stories, music and gaming news, new songs on the broadcast, Bombastikas new article or Skahlds latest movie. We understand and respect your privacy. If you are a registered user, please take the time to set the newsletter option however you choose. Just click on “Your Account” on the left hand side.

I would like to take this oppurtunity to introduce our newest staff member, The Camelion. He will be joining us to write about First Person Shooters, Music and Computer Hardware. As always, we are looking for people to join our staff. Take a look at our openings and let us know if you want to join us.