Category Archives: GR1 Heavy Metal

New And Improved Site!

Let me be the first to welcome you to the new and improved Gamers Radio website. I am sure the new Green design may catch you off guard at first, but give it time and I know it will grow on you. We have worked hard to bring you an interesting theme, while doing everything we can to speed up the load time of the site. I think you will agree the new theme runs much smoother.

Be sure and drop by our Forums as they are completely redesigned to match the new theme. Keep your eye out for our easter egg, hidden somewhere in the forums. For you Firefox users, you will notice the Forums Block on the left now scrolls just like it has always done with IE. Keep it here for more interesting additions including a new Interviews module and Flash Enabled Games. For those of you that complained about the site logging you out, that should now be fixed as well.

Of course, I could not have done this without the help of Raze. I owe him all the credit for the great artwork and new design. Without him, none of this would be here. Thanks Raze!

Illuminati – Machines – ROCKS!

Once in a while, we get unsolicited requests to play songs from Indie Artists. We are always on the look out for great music and have no problem listening to what you have to offer. Unfortunately, not all bands fit into our mix of music and not all bands are equal.

This was not the case when SG of Illuminati sent us a request to check out their song, Machines. All I can say is this song kicks ass and fits right into our line up. So, listen for them on the Gamers Radio Stream, drop by their website and check them out. If the rest of their music is this good, you can expect to hear even more Illuminati on our station…….

Big Station Update

We are always looking for new bands to add to the radio station, be it signed or unsigned. We went through several hundred songs and came up with a list of what we think are some interesting sounding indie artists. We hope you like them. As always, use the Live365 browser thumbs up and thumbs down to tell us what you think of these songs. If you dont like it, we wont keep playing it. If you do like them, make sure you give it a thumbs up!

Here is the list. Keep an ear out for them. Listen Now!

ArtistSong – Album
FailsafeDoyle – Nothing But Sky
fallenFeed off the Negative – Half Of What You Wanted
StigmaDisease On Demand – Half Of What You Wanted
ALLOSCollapsing Machine – Across The Room
Channel 43My Qal Gal – Road to Anywhere
DomiUninspired – Pharaohs Daughter
GrindboxMy Disease – the sea of somthing
IdiotDeviation – Nothing But Sky
IntangibleLean – Elevate
IntangibleRelease – Elevate
Mobiswither – Just Like That JennaRation
NGBCold – Fear of Flying
NGBCold2 – The Spiral Eyes
Patience WorthIn Vain – The Bad Machine
Redesignwait for you – Lynoleum
redlightmusicBeautiful – redlightmusic
redlightmusicSay It Again – redlightmusic
SOUND&FURYPerfectly Wrong – reflections
SPLYTThe Other Side – Figureheads
TechnocracyHow We Die – Crush
THUMPFLUIDBroken Crown – Nine
TWYTCHHatred – Light Of Day
zombies of the stratospheretown & country – Kill The Music: Volume 1

Big Music Update on the Station

I added a bunch of new stuff to the radio station including 4 new songs from Slipknots new album Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses) and a few songs from Shinedown, including the acoustic version of Simple Man. Speaking of Simple Man; us early buyers of Shinedowns album Leave A Whisper didnt get it. Matter of fact, we didnt get 3 songs that have been added to the album. Oh well. If you are interested in the new song, Simple Man, check out this great story on Country Music Televisions website, of all places. Another new band I added to the playlist is Future Leaders Of The World. Signed by Puddle of Mudds Label, they look like an interesting band. Get more info on their official website, Keep it here for more goodness coming to the station soon.

New Music Added To Station

I thought I would give you a run down of the some of the hot new artist added to the radio station. Keep us tuned in for more hot new songs traditional radio stations are afraid to play!

36 Crazyfists – Slit Wrist Theory (You know its good when you start off with a song like that! Ed.)
Atreyu – Lip Gloss & Black
Black Label Society – Rust
Blindside – All of Us
Clutch – The Mob Goes Wild
Flaw – Recognize
Lo-Pro – Sunday
Slaves on Dope – Go
Soil – Redefine
Three Days Grace – Just Like You

We Need Your Help!

Apples iTunes and Pepsi are doing a promotion for free iTunes music. Look for the promo code on all Pepsi and Sierra Mist products. If you drink these products, but dont care about iTunes, send us your numbers. 1 in 3 wins. If its a winner, we will add a new song to the radio station and you will get props for your help.

Use our Contact Us form or post them here.

Putting the Radio Back In Gamers Radio

Thats right folks! The Deathmatch of Internet Radio Returns!

After going radioless for the last 2 years, we have finally brought music back to Gamers Radio. The best part is we are now broadcasting in mp3PRO Stereo quality. If you havent heard mp3PRO, then you are going to be very suprised how clean it sounds.

Just to wet your whistle, here is a snapshot of what we are currently rotating on the station:

A Perfect Circle
Lollipop Lust Kill
Finger Eleven
Marilyn Manson
Rage Against The Machine
Foo Fighters

If you like those bands, then you will love our new station!

New Name….

When I originally started out with the idea for this website, the name was going to be Both .com and .net were available, but I was too lazy to buy them. When I finally decided to do it, someone else had already registered both name. For two years I watched as the names set there doing absolutely nothing.

Then four months after the names expired, the domains were released back to the public. You better believe I snatched these puppies up as fast as I could.

The end result is Gamers Radio Network is reborn as it was always intended to be, Gamers Radio….. For the record,,,,,, and are all owned by me. One of these days, I will set up all of them to point here. For now, update your bookmarks to use and drop by from time to time. Without you, this site would be worthless…..

In the immortal words of my friend Erthdawg, PEACE!


Unsigned Artists Added to the Station

I recently added several more unsigned artists to the stream. You should check these bands out. They work hard to put out good music.

Here is the complete list:





Fear The Clown (OK, so these guys just got signed, but they are still unknown and an incredible band!)

Forte (Older independent rock! Dig it!)

Huver (3/4th of The Nixons, hell, these guys were the music.)


Little Kingz (They may be little people, but their music is Large!)




Manifest Destinty

Single Bullet Theory

The Final Step

I usually play two songs an hour from unsigned artists. Open your mind and check out the radio station. This is not the same old boring stuff you hear on other stations. Be the first on your block to say, “Hey, I know those Guys!”

New Music Added

As you may know, the station is back on the air. During the time we were offline, we worked hard to get as much music as possible for our return. You can check out the complete playlist over on the left side of our site.

Just to highlight a few additions, We have the new albums from the following:


Rob Zombie



Drowning Pool


Fenix Tx



No One

Puddle of Mudd



Sum 41

System of a Down

The Cult

Along with new music from a couple of unsigned Local Artists from the Midwest:

Huver (The Nixons with a new lead singer)


I should have a few more big name acts added shortly, as well as a few more Independent Artists who just emailed me links to their songs. As always, put your requests in through the playlist.

Until next time, ROCK ON!

Through my eyes…

Ever wonder what it is like to be me? I doubt it, but hey, this is my site, so I am going to tell you about it anyway. I just watched Almost Famous on HBO. It is funny how a movie can spark something in you. Music does the same thing. Watching Almost Famous is a look into my world. I am a fan of Music. More than anything, Music is an important part of my life. I spent 6 years working my way from mascot to weekend peon at a great Rock Radio station. I held down a fulltime job, went to school fulltime, worked 2 – 3 weekend shifts at the radio station and once in a while, I got to see my wife. I sacrificed a lot for my love of Music. I finally gave up on being a DJ because something in my life had to give. I took the easy way out. I stopped being a fan. This site is my way of bringing back the thing I miss the most, the music and being around other people who know what it means to be a fan.

That’s right, I do this because I am a fan. Always was, always will be. So, I present my corner of the world to you, my world, where the Music rules and having fun is part of the game. Won’t you join me? Us?

As they say in the movie, Almost Famous, “It will set you free.”

Yea man, yea…..

Radio Stream

It is official. My big announcement for the radio stream is no more. In one fell swoop, I lost my ability to send the stream and I lost my shoutcast server provider. I can not find any way to broadcast for less than 200.00/month right now. I will continue to keep looking for options. If anyone knows of any colocation services that I can use a minimum of 25 gigs a month without spending a fortune, please let me know.

The site will keep going and I hope to have a lot more content to send your way. As always, send your stories, news and thoughts our way.