Category Archives: Tivo

Miglia TVMini HD+ | Mac High Definition PVR with OTA and Cable

Miglia TV Mini HD PlusThe Miglia TVMini HD+ is the successor to the Miglia TVMini HD offering 10-bit video and stereo sound and the ability to tune into unencrypted digital cable, analog cable and over-the-air signals. As the name suggest it also supports HDTV.

The Miglia TVMini is of course designed for the Mac and connects via a USB 2.0 port. It will be shipped with the EyeTV 2 PVR software and remote control so you can expect full PVR features.

It is available to preorder now for $218.
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CBS and TiVo advertising Deal

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CBS LogoWhile many TV companies are attacking new technology and seeing it as a threat, CBS seems to be one company that is beginning to stand out as making the most out of new technology for promotion.

CBS recently received press coverage for signing a deal with YouTube to allow some of its content to be legally shown on YouTube. CBS was subsequently happy with the increased promotion for its shows.

Now CBS has cut a deal with TiVo to actually encourage TiVo users to record its shows. That’s pretty extreme considering most TV networks cringe at the idea of having their programs recorded and the adverts skipped.

From February 6th TiVo will embed interactive tags for two weeks to encourage TiVo users to record CBS’ entire new Monday-night lineup. In addition to this TiVo users can view sneak previews of new CBS comedy Rules of Engagement and crime drama Criminal Minds.

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Xbox 360 IPTV Interview – PVR functions on the way

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Xbox 360GameVideos has an excellent interview on video (see below) with the two Microsoft execs Chris Satchell and Albert Penello, talking about IPTV on the Xbox360.

The Xbox 360 IPTV service is not going to be something like getting YouTube videos on your PC but a service that is more familiar to the cable and satellite TV services that we have now.

Sarchell and Penello talk about downloadable movies, the Xbox 360’s channel guide and even the use of the Xbox 360 as a PVR (gotta love that one!). Although not confirmed directly the interview hints that a larger hard drive will also be offered to cater for the PVR functionality.

Part 1
of the video shown above and you can see part 2 here.

[Via 1up]

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TiVo Toaster Raffle for James Kim Memorial Fund

James KimDave Zatz in conjunction with Stephen Mack, the director of TiVoCast Operations, has started a little money raising campaign for the James Kim Memorial Fund.

James Kim was a senior editor at CNET and recently passed away when he got lost with his family in the Oregan wilderness after taking a number of wrong turns.

The tragic loss has sparked a lot of media interest and Dave Zatz and Stephen Mack are offering a unique TiVo Toaster to entice donations to the Memorial Fund. For every $10 you send via PayPal (to through 1/31/07, you will get one entry in a raffle for the unique TiVo Toaster.

Dave Zatz will send a check to the memorial fund for the total amount sent and will also be generously donating his website’s Google Adsense income for the month of December.

Nice one Dave and Stephen

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Car Radios with PVR functionality

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CarWe’ve all got pretty used to using a PVR to time shift, fast forward and rewind TV but we’ve never really done it with radio. We’ve seen PVR radio functionality on PCs but the place where we really love to listen to radio is in our cars.

Now the European Space Agency (ESA) will be bringing PVR functionality to in-car radios. It will store recorded audio most likely on a solid state flash memory which can withstand the bumpy rides in your car, like when you might accidentally run over Celine Dion for example.

The ESA will be using a new satellite radio system that will require little changes to your car in order to receive it, while also allowing for PVR functionality. The satellite radio system will differ from existing satellite systems in that it will be a lot cheaper.

But would anyone actually use it? I’m not sure I would, especially in the days of podcasts.

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TiVo on the Toilet!

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Toilet Home Entertainment Center

For many people a TiVo box has pride of place in the living room, but I don’t think it crossed many peoples minds to stick a TiVo in the bathroom.

RotoRooter is giving you the chance to turn your toilet into a luxury lazy man throne making it more of an entertainment center than the average household’s living room.

Included in the Entertainment Toilet Center setup is an Xbox 360, flat screen TV, laptop, a baseline resistive pedal exerciser, beer fridge with beer tap, iPod dock with toilet roll holder, DVD Player, a Series 2 TiVo, and a comfortable toilet seat.

With all that in there you thought they would have included a Series 3 TiVo and not a Series 2!

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The old “You can’t use our service with TiVo” line

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TiVo LogoA user in the TiVo Community forum stated that upon contacting Time Warner the company said that you cannot use a TiVo with Time Warner Cable.

You might remember back when the Series 3 was launched how difficult cable companies were trying to make it so that for users to use a TiVo Series 3 with their service. In fact Time Warner first of all refused outright to use the Series 3 TiVo with their service before later changing its mind.

If your Cable Company says they don’t support TiVo then you might like to remind them that it is an FCC regulation to provide CableCards for TiVo.

If anyone else has been having these problems with Cable companies please let us know.

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Beyond TV Skins – Customize the look of Beyond TV with themes

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Beyong TV Dolphin Theme

Everyone likes to customize their PC with some pictures and themes, if its not a picture of some hot girl or a desert island on your desktop, it’s a load of fishes swimming around on your screensaver.

The Snapstream community has created a nice set of skins for the BeyondTV PVR interface meaning your TV experience can now be that little more personalized too.

A selection of the skins available can be seen here including dolphin, desert island and pirate themes. Installing a skin is easy and requires simply replacing one file in the BeyondTV directory.

Anyone fancy making a PVR Wire theme? You know you want too!

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Time Warner out of HD PVRs

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Time Warner CableAccording to a NewsChannel 9 story posted yesterday Time Warner is out of HD PVR boxes for its customers due to an overwhelming number of requests, according to the company. Well either that or Time Warner just didn’t organise getting enough of them.

Time Warner has stated that new boxes will arrive within two or three weeks. In the meantime Time Warner subscribers can pick up regular HD set top boxes, get on a waiting list for the HD PVR, and get one as soon as it’s available.

[Via All PVR]

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The Apple TV in action – It’s everything Apple but nothing new

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Apple LogoI was a bit disappointed with the Apple TV to say the least but I have to say it was nice to see RocketBoom being shown on a full screen TV set via the Apple TV, although the Apple TV is of course one of the many products that can do this.

The video below shows the Apple TV in action and it looks and smells all Apple-ey. It’s small, looks good next to your TV set, and has a friendly user interface that my girlfriend could even figure out.

It was of course expected that Apple would deliver a user friendly, fashionable device, but its just a shame the Apple TV is all about getting you to buy from the iTunes store, while also lacking many much needed features that can be found elsewhere.

I don’t think Apple will be threatening TiVo and the Cable companies just yet.

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Compro U2700 hybrid HDTV tuner gets Vista certified

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Compro U2700

You may not have heard of Compro, a company that creates PC graphics and multimedia products, but you might be interested in its new HDTV USB Tuner.

The U2700 hybrid DVB-T tuner brings OTA (Over the Air) High Definition and Standard Definition channels reception to your TV (NTSC/SECAM/PAL) and features full PVR functionality including time shifting and scheduling capabilities.

It connects via USB 2.0 and has the odd ability to let you watch five digital 1080i streams at once, providing four of those are already recorded and you have a beefy 3GHz processor. Not quite sure why you’d want to do this, but it’s there if you need it.

The PVR interface is from the ComproDTV 3 / Ulead software and works with the included IR remote. The device is also Windows Vista certified which is always handy.

No details on price or when the U2700 tuner will launch. More specs are on the Compro website.

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DVDXML.comBack at the end of October Brad talked about an XML file that could be used within Windows Media Center which would automatically download cover art, descriptions, ratings, cast, etc about any DVD that you may have ripped.

Now although that site has been a huge help in that it saves you from having to create these individual files for each DVD on your system, there were some short comings with the site. Well hopefully most of those have been taken care of. has just completed a major overhaul that includes a new, easier to use download section, and a new and improved search engine. However because of the upgrade they are temporarily not accepting new XML files, but that restriction will be lifted in the near future.

If you have a Windows Media Center based PVR and you like to keep your DVD’s on your hard drive, be sure to check out this site. It’s all the little things like this that make you realize how customizable a do it yourself PVR really can be.

Found via.

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Comcast’s onscreen guide ads rollout continues

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Comcast AdsIt seems to be a continuing trend for TV companies to start implementing adverts within the Electronic Program Guides (EPGs) of PVRs. Comcast is one such company which is continuing to get on board with this.

Here on PVRWire we have discussed these ads appearing in some territories on Comcast PVRs. The ads have previously been reported in Michigan, Minnesota, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maryland, Tucson AZ, and Washington DC areas.

Now PVRWire has recently received an email claiming that the adverts are now appearing in the Miami/Florida region, bumping the 5th row of the program guide for a banner advert.

JJ Hawkins has summed up why these adverts are not only a pain, but unfair for Comcast subscribers. If you don’t like these ads then why not get involved and let Comcast know about it and Kill those Comcast Ads!

[Thanks Fullman for the tip!]

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