Jello Biafra responds to Michael Savage

The Boston Phoenix has an exclusive story on Jello biafra’s response to radio pundit Michael Savage’s recent rant about Ted Kennedy which made extensive use of “California Uber Alles” by Bifra’s former band, Dead Kennedys Quoth Jello:

“I haven’t read the details yet, but I’m aware of what Michael Savage did. Obviously he took my song way the hell out of context and did it deliberately. But the bigger issue is Savage himself and how the hell he gets away with stuff like saying this, and saying that people with AIDS should be put in concentration camps. And then when people protest at the station, he calls on his own listeners to come down and beat them up . . . .”

You can read the full interview here .
Source The Boston Phoenix has an exclusive story on Jello biafra’s response to radio pundit Michael Savage’s recent rant about Ted Kennedy which made extensive use of “California Uber Alles” by Bifra’s former band, Dead Kennedys Quoth Jello:

“I haven’t read the details yet, but I’m aware of what Michael Savage did. Obviously he took my song way the hell out of context and did it deliberately. But the bigger issue is Savage himself and how the hell he gets away with stuff like saying this, and saying that people with AIDS should be put in concentration camps. And then when people protest at the station, he calls on his own listeners to come down and beat them up . . . .”

You can read the full interview here .

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