Raze had a big suprise up his sleeve for everyone this Holiday season. He was secretly working on a new theme for the site. Check that baby out! Woohoo! Hold down ctrl and click refresh a few times. Watch the header change. How cool is that?!?!?!?
All I can say is Raze is da Man!
On a side note, you may have noticed some problems reaching the site lately. One in particular said exceeded bandwidth. Well, ummm, thats not true. You see, we have our own server and plenty of bandwidth, but yours truley made a slight mistake on the set up for this website. Needless to say, it has been corrected.
Another issue recently was the inability to reach the site. Once again, the shame is all mine to bare. We were running on an older database version and I upgraded us to help speed up the site. I did that yesterday and everything ran fine through the night. However, today all hell broke loose and the problems starting appearing. Needless to say, with the help of David the SysAdmin where we host our server, everything has been restored back to normal. The upgrades are all in place and I promise to stop tinkering with the server. At least for another year.
Hope you enjoy the increased speed and the awesome new look. Heres to the start of a great new year!