Ever go prone or jump behind some sandbags in BF42/BFV and still get killed even though you were sure you were out of sight? Well, while perusing the Forgotten Hope forums this evening I found an interesting post that lead me to the Silent Heroes BF42 Mod site and a news item that they had written that might shed some light on why that happens. Here is the lead in from the article:
“For some 2 years we have had a feeling that we were shoot when we shouldnt, when we hid by throwing ourselfs behind sandbags – even though we should have been in safety behind the cover. Lagg, net-code, (bad) luck was all blamed and the behavior dubbed by some as the sandbag-bug. And it pretty much continued like this for 2 years. Today Rainbearer showed his discovery that he could shoot anyone, even though he aimed in the air above them, while they where going prone. This made it clear for me that the faulty behavior was connected to animations, not netcode or client delays.” (emphasis added)
“After some initial research it became clear that the problem was a global one. It was NOT limited to players going prone, but actually for every animation-transition performed by the player-character.”
They even created a short video exposing the bug and calling for DICE/EA to correct it. Here is a link to the compressed video and accompanying readme file: The Proof!
Click read more to view the readme text explanation from the Silent Heroes guys. Continue reading BF42/BFV Bug Exposed! →