Panic At the Disco “escape emo”

Las Vegas, NV’s Panic! At the Disco recently gave an interview to the BBC, talking about their new album, and, according to the title, how they “escaped emo.” The band also commented on performing with Snoop Dogg:

We did do an MTV thing where we were both on the show. We played the music to Gin and Juice while he did his rap on it. When we were rehearsing we spent half an hour just hanging out and talking, which was kind of the most surreal thing that’s ever happened. He was really polite considering the situation we were in. He had probably maybe heard the name of the band but didn’t know anything about our music and we were all fans of the stuff having grown up with his music. It was just a really different feel, but he was totally cool. We practised the song a couple of times and just went for it. He was totally laid back, as you might think.

You can find the full text of the interview here.
Source Las Vegas, NV’s Panic! At the Disco recently gave an interview to the BBC, talking about their new album, and, according to the title, how they “escaped emo.” The band also commented on performing with Snoop Dogg:

We did do an MTV thing where we were both on the show. We played the music to Gin and Juice while he did his rap on it. When we were rehearsing we spent half an hour just hanging out and talking, which was kind of the most surreal thing that’s ever happened. He was really polite considering the situation we were in. He had probably maybe heard the name of the band but didn’t know anything about our music and we were all fans of the stuff having grown up with his music. It was just a really different feel, but he was totally cool. We practised the song a couple of times and just went for it. He was totally laid back, as you might think.

You can find the full text of the interview here.

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