Suburban Home Records has announced dates for the appropriately named Suburban Home Records Tour, which will feature Austin Lucas and Two Cow Garage on all dates with support from Jon Snodgrass and Mike Hale on select stops. Dates for a second leg that will swing through the Western states are expected to be announced soon.
Each act will be supporting recently released albums, with Lucas releasing Somebody Loves You earlier this year, Two Cow Garage supporting 2008’s Speaking in Cursive and Snodgrass and Hale each touring behind 2009 albums Visitor’s Band and Lives Like Mine respectively.
Source Suburban Home Records has announced dates for the appropriately named Suburban Home Records Tour, which will feature Austin Lucas and Two Cow Garage on all dates with support from Jon Snodgrass and Mike Hale on select stops. Dates for a second leg that will swing through the Western states are expected to be announced soon.
Each act will be supporting recently released albums, with Lucas releasing Somebody Loves You earlier this year, Two Cow Garage supporting 2008’s Speaking in Cursive and Snodgrass and Hale each touring behind 2009 albums Visitor’s Band and Lives Like Mine respectively.