Dead Kennedys have announced a short run of fall dates. The band has been on a touring hiatus due to illnesses faced by both bassist Klaus Flouride and drummer D.H. Peligro . For the upcoming dates, D.H. will be touring but Klaus’ spot will be filled by Greg Reeves. The band will be fronted by Skip McSkipster of the Wynona Riders who previously toured the UK and the West Coast with the legendary band.
Source Dead Kennedys have announced a short run of fall dates. The band has been on a touring hiatus due to illnesses faced by both bassist Klaus Flouride and drummer D.H. Peligro . For the upcoming dates, D.H. will be touring but Klaus’ spot will be filled by Greg Reeves. The band will be fronted by Skip McSkipster of the Wynona Riders who previously toured the UK and the West Coast with the legendary band.