Turbonegro hits the West Coast, lines up festival gigs, Coachella rumored

Turbonegro has lined up some gigs this April all along the West coast before heading back to the studio to record their next full length. They have also booked far in advance some festival appearances this summer in Europe and are rumored as well in making up their last-year cancelation at the Coachella arts and music festival which takes place April 17,18,19 in Indio, CA.

Source Turbonegro has lined up some gigs this April all along the West coast before heading back to the studio to record their next full length. They have also booked far in advance some festival appearances this summer in Europe and are rumored as well in making up their last-year cancelation at the Coachella arts and music festival which takes place April 17,18,19 in Indio, CA.


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