Mastodon drummer reveals new album details

Atlanta, GA’s Mastodon have revealed some details about their new album in an interview with Says drummer Brann Dailor about working with producer Brendan O’Brien:

There’s so many toys to play with over at his studio, like pipe organs and all this crazy shit. There are little cool things we’re going to do to the record that we’ve been wanting to do for a long time.

On the new record being a concept:

I think a lot of people didn’t realize ‘Blood Mountain’ was a concept record. We made up our own story again this time, but we may try to make it a little more evident that that’s what’s going on. I like to keep them speculating on our message board. There’s no possible way they could guess this.

He also revealed that the album will feature a fifteen minute track and that new material will probably surface at lives shows this summer while they are on tour. You can read the full text of the interview here.
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Johnny Rotten accused of hitting female producer

Roxane Davis, a former reality-TV show producer has sued the Sex Pistols Johnny Rotten for assault and battery, claiming he slugged her in the face because he was unhappy with the Los Angeles hotel room she secured for him during a shoot last year. She is also suing the company she was working for at the time, Bodog Music Ltd., contending her bosses ignored her concerns when she complained about Rotten’s behavior.

According to a suit filed Wednesday in L.A. Superior Court, the producer was working on Fuse’s Bodog Battle of the Band where Rotten was a judge. The worst incident involves Rotten’s assistant Jon Stevens and Rotten’s apparent frustration that the two did not have adjoining rooms in the hotel. When discovering this, he alledgedly “cocked back his fist to strike Ms. Davis and punched her in the face.”

You can find more about the suit here and a copy of the filing can be found here.
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iTunes launches “Live” series with Death Cab, Zutons, CSS, Hadouken (UK)

Popular music player and music store iTunes has announced it’s “Live” series with London Festival ’08. The festival runs for the month of July and features a brevy of acts including Death Cab For Cutie, Hadouken, The Zutons, CSS and more. All shows will take place at Koko in Camden.

For more details and a full line up, you can visit the festival’s website.
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