Category Archives: Announcements

The Future of Gamers Radio…..

The future of is Gaming Playlists for Board Games, Retro Gaming & Game Related Music.

And who knows, maybe the Gamers Radio streaming radio station will return next year.

I’m working on a website refresh to pull all of this together, but it will take me a bit as I’m just one guy doing this on the side for fun.

In the meantime, please join us our social media sites and get the word out.

Gamers Radio on Facebook

Gamers Radio on Twitter

Gamers Radio on Twitch

Gamers Radio on Steam

Gamers Radio – Where Analog Dreams Live in a Digital World

Gamers Radio is Slowly Rising Out Of The Ashes

Wow, has it really been almost 5 years since I’ve posed to Gamers Radio? I’ve had plans to move from Joomla to WordPress for nearly 7 years, but I just seemed to let it slide. Having a bit of time, I worked through the import process and finally moved most everything over to WordPress. There is still a lot of cleanup to do on old stories, but I’m determined to get through it.

You may notice the theme is rather basic. I’m going to leave it that way for now. I used to spend days on end putting together new themes for the site with the help of Raze, but right now I just need to get back to the basics and find my grove. Speaking of Raze, the header you see was put together by him about 7 years ago. I bet he never thought I would use it. It’s still awesome. I wonder if he’s still out there somewhere.

Speaking of groove. I’ve been struggling what I should do with this site. It’s crazy how much the Internet, gaming and music have changed since I started this journey in 1997. It’s even crazier how much I’ve changed. I think it’s time the focus on the site caught up to those changes. Don’t worry though. We’re still going to be about Gaming  and Music, but with the shift from Computers to Mobile devices, we need to change our direction a bit.

I was dreading this moment because it was such a pain to do the migration and I thought I wouldn’t find any inspiration once I made the move. Man, was I wrong. I missed this place.

More to come…..


New Vent Server

We have a new 50-slot Ventrillo server to share among all members of the Cabal Gaming Cartel!

PW: darkside

Thanks to our new sponsor for providing us with this new resource!

You can download Ventrillo from our [Downloads] section. The nice thing about Ventrillo is you don't have the 3-second delay that you do with TeamSpeak, which is certainly convenient for gaming!

Long live the cartel!

Internet Radio Day of Silence

Today is the Day of silence and both GR stations are off the air (as is all of Live365) to illustrate the impact of the new royalty rates on Internet Radio. In other words, it will disappear as we know it.

Please take the opportunity to call your Senators or Representative and let them know that you support the Internet Radio Equity Act (H.R. 2060 and S.1353). You can find out how to contact them here:

Stations should resume programming around midnight tonight.

Thanks for your support!

The End Of Gamers Radio May Be Near

CONTACT: Rod Hsiao,

Live365 Joins Filing for Emergency Stay of New Royalty Rate Increases

Foster City, CA—Mark Lam, CEO of Live365 Inc. joined other Internet radio companies today to submit an affidavit in support of a motion for an emergency stay to halt a steep increase in sound recording royalty rates. On March 2nd, 2007 the U.S. Copyright Royalty Board (CRB) imposed new royalty rates that threaten to bankrupt Internet radio stations like Live365.

“Look, when ALL Internet radio companies, large and small, are fighting the CRB decision the result is obviously flawed. Live365 is one of the top 4 royalty payers to SoundExchange and I can tell you we’ve never made a profit. Now they want to increase music label profits by arbitrarily increasing rates by 44%, 84%, 136% to 150% over four years! They also increased rates on National Public Radio and college stations. I don’t see any consideration for the public interest in the CRB’s deliberations: it was flawed.

Make no mistake, we want to pay a fair royalty to artists. We have been paying songwriters for their copyright royalties for years and you don’t hear complaints about that. But the new rates are insanely high and will kill Internet radio.”

Background on Live365
Established in 1997, Live365 ( is the world’s largest Internet radio network that hosts nearly 10,000 stations and streams music to more than 4 million listeners a month. Its mission is to make it affordable and easy for individuals to start their own radio stations and share their love for music to listeners around the world. Live365 has gone to great lengths to provide a legal and equitable means to stream music to listeners while paying royalties for the right to do so.

Here are some very interesting quotes from the filing:

Page 5: Appellants have contacted both the Clerk's Office and opposing counsel advising them of this Motion. Appellants have sought the consent of Appellees CRB and SoundExchange, Inc. ("SoundExchange") to the relief requested by this Application. Neither Appellee has provided consent.

Page 7: The irreparable harm manifests itself in different ways for different Appellants, but one common thread runs throughout: absent a stay prior to the effective initial payment date of July 15, 2007, the decision will cause wide-scale shutdowns of Appellants' webcasting offerings.

Page 8: Absent a stay, Live365 will be forced to shut down on July 15, 2007. (As will GR1 and GR2)

Page 8: For four of the SCWs (Small Commercial Webcasters) that participated before the CRB, royalties will increase from 11% of revenues under the pre-existing rate structure to 300% of revenues in 2006, 306.5% of revenues in 2007, and 345% of revenues in 2008 – royalty increases of over 2,000%.

Page 9: Unless stayed, the Final Determination will cause NPR substantially to reduce its online radio offerings as of July 15, 2007.

Page 9: The Final Determination will lead to the loss of many diverse sources of music. It will have a devastating impact on independent artists, small stations, and audiences. Quite literally, the date on which the Final Determination becomes effective will be "the day the music dies" for online radio. A stay pending appeal thus is urgently needed.

Page 20: The rates imposed by the CRB could not possibly comply with the "willing-buyer willing-seller" standard of 5 114(f)(2)(B), because no "willing buyer" would ever agree to the ruinous royalty levels contained in the Final Determination.

Page 23: The statutory factors demonstrate that online radio should be encouraged, not punished with higher royalties.

Page 23: There is no doubt that the Final Determination will have an imminent, certain, and devastating impact on online radio.

Discuss this in our Forums

Last Chance To Save Internet Radio

Dear Live365 Broadcasters,

On March 21st, I wrote you regarding the initial ruling by the Copyright Royalty
Board (CRB) announcing catastrophically high new royalty rates as
well as a $500/year minimum per station. Despite the outcry of nearly all
webcasters, the CRB denied the request for a rehearing and has proceeded
with their original ruling.

In response to these new and unfair fees, Representative Jay Inslee (D-WA)
introduced the Internet Radio Equality Act (HR 2060) on April 26th.

This bill will provide immediate relief from the
proposed new rates and can save thousands of Internet radio stations from going off
the air.

Live365 and the other members of the SaveNetRadio Coalition fully support this
proposal and are working diligently to see it turned into law. The
next step is to line up cosponsors for HR 2060, but time is running short.

We ask that you IMMEDIATELY:

CALL your Representative and ask them to cosponsor HR 2060 -- The Internet Radio
Equality Act. Click here to find your Representative's number:

Representatives with the same request to cosponsor HR 2060.

We thank you again for all of the great support so far. Let's keep the momentum
building into a crescendo that everyone can hear.


Jason Stoddard
Director, Broadcasting

Ps. It looks like Live365 will be observing the "Day of Silence" on May 8th. More
information to come?

GR1 - Heavy Metal
GR2 - Punk Rock

Open Letter to Artists, Labels and Songwriters

It has always been Live365’s mission to support artists and pay our fair share of royalties. Since its inception in 1999, Live365 has always paid both composer royalties (to ASCAP, BMI and SESAC) and performance royalties (to SoundExchange). Over the last few years, we've paid millions to SoundExchange alone on behalf of our broadcasters and listeners.

It’s all about supporting artists who write and perform the songs we enjoy. This is a core mission behind Live365. Some of this support comes from promotion, airtime, so artists’ works can be heard. Some comes from cash in the form of ROYALTIES. Last year, Live365 paid SoundExchange, the collector of sound recording royalties, more than $1 million (for the performing musicians and singers) on behalf of our broadcasters and have continually paid royalties since day one of our service.

To take the administrative burden of tracking Live365 stations off SoundExchange and our broadcasters' back, we also created and provided for our stations an entire data management system that tracks which songs were heard, by how many persons, providing SoundExchange with a single, compiled report insuring thousands of Internet stations are law abiding webcasters that do report and pay royalties. And that’s just one type of royalties. Live365 and its broadcasters do the same reporting and paying for the song writers and composers through contracts with their royalty organizations, ASCAP, BMI and SESAC.

What we do not understand is why Internet radio is saddled with the highest rates. Satellite services, such as Sirius or XM, and cable TV music providers, such as Music Choice, pay nearly 50% less for the same royalties. AM & FM stations pay NO sound recording royalties at all. If all parties were putting in their share, if there was parity for all broadcasters, there would be no need to double, nearly triple the royalty rates for Internet radio as the government established Copyright Royalty Board has done.

Many small, non-profit and public service stations with little or no revenue will be stopped from broadcasting on the Internet under these new rates which will eliminate many of the music you can’t find on AM, FM, satellite, or cable radio. If these rates stay in place, we’d expect 80% of Live365 stations, specifically those in niche genres with unique content unavailable elsewhere, will have no choice but to shut down. Our 260 genres would probably be reduced to 10 and become homogenized as AM/FM radio. As an example, this year’s “pay for performance per listener” rate of $0.0011 may seem tiny, but one Internet radio station that broadcasts 15 songs an hour to even 500 listeners would pay SoundExchange $72,270 a year for sound recording royalties alone, not to mention their other costs for composition royalties, hosting, bandwidth, music library and their programming. Compare that to the current under $1,000 average price of broadcasting on Live365.

Internet radio, such as Live365, is the only source most people have for jazz, classical, folk and many other types of music in niche genres. Many of these genres are key elements of American culture, and Internet radio is one of our best resources for preserving them. Internet radio reaches the entire world and helps spread the exchange of cultures and goodwill to people everywhere.


Thank You,

Atomm Nihilo

Live365 Broadcaster 

GR1 – Heavy Metal

GR2 – Punk Rock 

Tired of the Same Old BF2?

Yea, so are we. Rather than playing Karkand for the millionth time, we decided to switch things up. This Friday Night, we will turn our 32 player server into a Frag Fest like you have never seen in Battlefield 2.

Special Forces maps!
Infantry Only Mode!
Small 16 Player maps with up to 32 players on it for condensed action!

If you are looking for something different to do with Battlefield 2, then you need to join the Gamers Radio Battalion for a Friday Night Fights to remember.

The action starts between 8pm and 9pm EST and goes until the server is empty!


Game Server

Name: SF IO maps!
Port: 16567

We will see you on the Battlefield this Friday Night, March 23rd!

GR1 Playlist

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GamersRadio.Com Current Playlist!

Current Play List


Artist Title Album
36 Crazyfists Bloodwork Resident Evil: Apocolypse
36 Crazyfists Slit Wrist Theory' Bitterness The Star
40 Below Summer Self Medicate The Mourning After
Alien Ant Farm Movies ANThology
Alien Ant Farm Wish Kerrang! – The Devil's Music Volume 3
ALLOS Collapsing Machine Across The Room
Anthrax Inside Out Volume 8 – The Threat is Real
A Perfect Circle Imagine Imagine (Single)
A Perfect Circle Magdalena Mer de Noms
A Perfect Circle The Outsider Thirteenth Step
A Perfect Circle The Package Thirteenth Step
Atomship Pencil Fight The Crash Of '47: April '04
Atreyu Ex's & Oh's Ex's & Oh's (Single)
Atreyu Lip Gloss & Black Suicide Notes and Butterfly Ki
Avenged Sevenfold Unholy Confessions Waking the Fallen
Avenged Sevenfold Bat Country City Of Evil
Avenged Sevenfold Beast And The Harlot City Of Evil
Bionic Jive I Shot Lucifer Armageddon Through Your Speaker
Bionic Jive Ricochet Armageddon Through Your Speaker
Bionic Jive Shut 'Em Down Armageddon Through Your Speaker
Black Label Society Rust Zakk Wylde's
Bloodsimple Sell Me Out A Cruel World
Bloodsimple The Leaving Song A Cruel World
Breaking Benjanmin So Cold So Cold
Bullet For My Valentine Her Voice Resides The Poison
Bullet For My Valentine Suffocating Under Words of Sorry The Poison
Chevelle Closure Wonder What's Next
Chevelle Vitamin R (Leading Us Along) This Type Of Thinking Could Do Us In
Clutch Profits Of Doom Blast Tyrant
Clutch Regulator Blast Tyrant
Clutch The Mob Goes Wild Blast Tyrant
Cold Suffocate Year of the Spider
Crossbreed Regretful Times Synthetic Division
Crossbreed Seasons Synthetic Division
Crossfade Cold Cold
Damageplan Pride New Found Power
Damageplan Save Me New Found Power
Danzig Mother Danzig
David Draiman of Disturbed Forsaken Queen Of The Damned
Deftones Change Queen of the Damned
Disturbed Awaken Believe
Disturbed Darkness Believe
Disturbed Down With The Sickness The Sickness
Disturbed Guarded Ten Thousand Fists
Disturbed Remember Believe
Disturbed Rise Believe
Disturbed Stupify The Sickness
Disturbed Voices The Sickness
Dope I Am Group Therapy
Drowning Pool Bodies Sinner
Drowning Pool Follow Sinner
Drowning Pool Mute Sinner
Drowning Pool Reminded Sinner
Drowning Pool Sinner Sinner
Drowning Pool Step Up Desensitized
Drowning Pool Tear Away Sinner
Endo Clean Sheets (And a Dirty Mind) Songs for the Restless
Endo Simple Lies Songs for the Restless
_fallen_ Feed off the Negative Half Of What You Wanted
Finger Eleven Stay In Shadow Finger Eleven
Flaw Payback Through The Eyes
Ghost in the Machine Lies Unknown
Helmet Unsung Meantime
Sevendust Hero Next
Hurt Falls Apart Vol. 1
Hurt Overdose Vol. 1
Hurt Rapture Vol. 1
Hurt Unkind Vol. 1
Ill Nino This Time's For Real Confession
illuminati Machine
Thrice Image Of The Invisible Vheissu
Killswitch Engage A Bid Farewell The End Of Heartache
Killswitch Engage Hope Is… The End Of Heartache
Killswitch Engage Rose Of Sharyn The End Of Heartache
Killswitch Engage Take This Oath The End Of Heartache
Killswitch Engage The End Of Heartache The End Of Heartache
Killswitch Engage When Darkness Falls The End Of Heartache
Korn A.D.I.D.A.S. Life Is Peachy
Korn Did My Time Take A Look In The Mirror
Korn Freak On A Leash Follow The Leader
Korn Here To Stay Untouchables
Korn No One's There Untouchables
Korn Thoughtless Untouchables
Limp Bizkit Almost Over Results May Vary
Lollipop Lust Kill Like A Disease My So Called Knife
Lollipop Lust Kill Personal Jesus My So Called Knife
Manifest Destiny As I Am Within
Manifest Destiny Dethroned Within
Manifest Destiny Storm Is Forming Within
Marilyn Manson Coma White Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson Disposable Teens Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)
Marilyn Manson I Don't Like The Drugs Mechanical Animals
Marilyn Manson Rock Is Dead The Matrix Soundtrack
Marilyn Manson Tainted Love Not Another Teen Movie ST
Marilyn Manson The Nobodies Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death)
Motograter Down Motograter
Mudvayne Forget To Remember Lost And Found
Mudvayne Happy Lost And Found
Mudvayne Mercy, Severity The End of All Things to Come
Mudvayne Not Falling The End of All Things to Come
Mudvayne World So Cold The End of All Things to Come
Mushroomhead Crazy XIII
Mushroomhead Solitaire/Unraveling XX
NGB Cold2 The Spiral Eyes
Nine Inch Nails Hurt The Downward Spiral
Nonpoint Bullet With a Name To The Pain
Nonpoint Move Now Recoil
Nonpoint There's Going to be a War! To The Pain
Nonpoint Truth Recoil
No One Chemical No One
Orgy Can't Take This Punk Statik Paranoia
Pantera Cementary Gates Cowboys From Hell
Pantera Walk Vulgar Display Of Power
Papa Roach Getting Away With Murder Getting Away With Murder
Rage Against The Machine Freedom Rage Against The Machine
Rammstein Amerika Reise, Reise
Rammstein Engel Mutter
Rammstein Ich Will Mutter
Rammstein Links Mutter
Rammstein Mann gegen Mann Rosenrot
Rammstein Rosenrot Rosenrot
Rammstein Sonne Mutter
Rammstein Spring Rosenrot
Rammstein Wo bist du Rosenrot
Rikets Hollywood Anything For The Devil
Rikets the murder The Best of War and More
Rob Zombie Demon Speeding The Sinister Urge
Rob Zombie Foxy Foxy Educated Horses
Rob Zombie Superbeast Hellbilly Deluxe
Seether Driven Under Disclaimer II
Seether Gasoline Disclaimer II
Sevendust Angel's Son Animosity
Sevendust Disgrace Seasons
Sevendust Follow Animosity
Sevendust Gone Seasons
Sevendust Praise Animosity
Sevendust Seasons Seasons
Sevendust Separate Seasons
Seven Wiser Life Seven Wiser
Seven Wiser Sick Seven Wiser
Shadows Fall What Drives The Weak War Within
Shinedown 0.45 Leave A Whisper
Shinedown Heroes Us And Them
Shinedown Save Me Us And Them
Skillet Savior Collide
Slipknot Duality Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses)
Slipknot Left Behind Iowa
Slipknot My Plague (New Abuse Mix) Resident Evil Soundtrack
Slipknot (SIC) Slipknot
Slipknot Spit It Out Slipknot
Slipknot The Nameless Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses)
Slipknot Three Nil Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses)
Slipknot Vermilion Pt. 2 Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses)
Slipknot Vermilion Vol 3 (Subliminal Verses)
Slipknot Wait and Bleed Slipknot
Soil Breaking Me Down Scars
Soil Halo Scars
Soil Pride Redefine
Soil Redefine Redefine
Disturbed Sons Of Plunder Ten Thousand Fists
SOUND&FURY Perfectly Wrong reflections
SPLYT The Other Side Figureheads
State of Being Take Me Away Haywire
Static X Black and White Machine
Static-X I'm The One CD Promo (WB)
Static-X Permanence The Hot Stuff: The Noise of Su
Stereomud Get Me Out Perfect Self
Stereomud Pain Perfect Self
Stereomud Steppin Away Perfect Self
Stone Sour 1st Person Come What(ever) May
Stone Sour 30/30-150 Come What(ever) May
Stone Sour Inhale Stone Sour
Stone Sour Made Of Scars Come What(ever) May
Stone Sour Sillyworld Come What(ever) May
Stone Sour Socio Come What(ever) May
System of a Down Innervision Steal This Album!
System of a Down Spiders System of a Down
The Accident Experiment Sick Love Letter United We Fear
Thrice Send Me An Angel Punk Goes Pop
Tool Parabola Lateralus
Tool Prison Sex Undertow
Tool Sober Undertow
Trapt Headstrong Trapt
Trapt Stand Up Someone In Control
TWYTCH Hatred Light Of Day
Underride Glass Eye Necessary Evil
Underride Watching You Bleed Horsepower Kills
White Zombie More Human than Human ASTRO-CREEP:2000 Songs of Love

Gamers Radio Battalion

What Is The Gamers Radio Battalion?

We are a group of Gaming nuts who enjoy playing various games, but don't spend every waking minute analyzing every single element of the game. Sure, we want to be good players, but we do have a life offline.

We enjoy playing custom maps and are always looking for new members to help test maps, or even build new maps. We also enjoy playing various games including the Battlefield franchise, Unreal Tournament and Counterstrike. We also plan on playing Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, Unreal Tournament 2007 and future Battlefield games.

Who Are The |GRB|?


To understand who we are, you need to know where we came from. The |GRB| was founded with the release of Battlefield 1942 in 2002 by Atomm and Racer as a way to enjoy the camaraderie and teamwork associated with playing the First Person Shooter. The original members came from Racers Ghost Recon clan and had a good understanding of what teamwork meant.

With this solid core, the |GRB| went on to host many gaming events for the sole purpose of extending the gameplay of BF42 as well as offering the community something more. The first Friday Night Fights, Custom Map Night was held at the end of 2002. Offering a handful of custom maps that had not seen rotation on game servers previously, the event was a success, even gaining support from Evil Homer of Planet Battlefield Fame.

Over the course of the next few years, |GRB| would host many custom map events for Battlefield 1942 and eventually Battlefield Vietnam, reviewing several hundred custom maps along the way. Eventually, our custom map events brought us several game players who enjoyed the challenge of making custom maps. These members would turn out over a dozen custom maps for BF42 and BFV with one of the custom maps even being picked up by a custom gaming league as an official map.

In addition to our love of supporting custom map makers, we have helped beta test battlefield mods including Battlegroup for BF42 and BFV and even the WWII conversion project bringing all of the original BF42 maps to the BFV engine. In fact, a sole member of this clan single handedly finished the WWII conversion project in a effort to make sure it was released back to the Battlefield community.

Along the way, we have also enjoyed playing Unreal Tournament 2004 including over a hundred custom maps for CTF and Bombing Run. Eventually, the interest in UT2004 died down, but we still pick up a game or two now and then.

Up next was Battlefield 2. This was a turning point for our community participation as the tools offered by DICE in support of Battlefield 2 were lacking, not to mention the game engine was too taxing on several members systems. With a strong love of custom maps, we found ourselves devoid of custom mappers for this new game. With little to no outlet to extend the BF2 game, we waited patiently for a decent mod to be released. Unfortunately, the mod tools again reared their ugly head as mods for BF2 have been few and far between. Longing for more than the BF2 engine could offer, we slowly stagnated as gameplay became routine bored.

This brings us to where we are today. We are at a turning point in our evolution as a clan and will soon start our fourth official game with the release of Quake Wars. We are hopeful that the community support will be strong for ETQW, even allowing us to offer those niche gaming events that bring continued life to an aging game.

On the horizon is Unreal Tournament 2007, Frontlines: Fuel of War and Team Fortress 2. Our ranks are starting to gain momentum again with the excitement that a new game offers. If ever there was a good time to join our group of motley fools, this would be it.

How Do I  Join The Gamers Radio Battalion?
Actually, it is pretty simple. Drop by our Introduction Forum and tell us a little about yourself, then post an application in our Recruitment Forum


General Rules and Expectations for |GRB| Members
1. Have fun!
2. Consider other members your friends and treat them as such.
3. Play as a team with whomever you are playing; clan members or otherwise.
4. Be willing to experiment with mods, custom maps, and other games.
5. Be active in gaming and in the forums (discussed below)
6. Don't give out info about your team to the other team.
7. Don't argue with or threaten people in the text chat/squad comms.
8. Let us know if you are not going to be around for more than a week or two.

Gameserver Rules

1. Play fairly and Honorably. No cheats, hacks, exploits or greifing. period.
2. Have Fun!
3. Don't punish for accidental TK's – give the player a chance to say "Sorry" – Especially |GRB| – we don't TK on purpose (mostly).
4. Join a squad and use the squad comms, stick with your squad and obey orders!
5. Commander should generally not be flying or idling in armor.
6. Do not attack uncaps except for spec ops to destroy equipment.
7. Play as a team no matter whom you are playing with.

Teamspeak Rules

1. Your mic should be "Push to Talk" activated
2. Minimize the swearing and yelling.
3. Respect the other players on the server – no taunting (except other GRB's), threatening, or berating.
4. Minimize the complaining.
5. Rules 2-4 are suspended if strippers are on the TS Server.

Shared Revenue Positions

Gamers Radio would like to invite you to join our staff of Gaming Fanatics and Music Fans. Not only do we want you on our staff as a news reporter, review writer and feature writter, we want you to get something for your time and efforts.


Here is our offer:


Sign up for a Google Adsense account.

Send us your publisher ID.

We will get your permission to post to Gamers Radio about anything that interests you and in return, we will show your Google Adsense ads 50% of the time when any of your published content is viewed directly.

It is that simple. It's fun and rewarding. So what are you waiting for? Register for an account on Gamers Radio, then send us a contact request with your Adsense information.


If you don't have an account yet, we suggest you use our link. We will even help you with the application if you have any questions.


We are excited about this opportunity and hope you are as well. 

GR2 Playlist

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GR2: The Punk Phase!

Current Play List


Artist Title
:30 Seconds Over Tokyo Stand Your Ground
59 times the pain classaction
7 Seconds Meant To Be My Own
88 Fingers Louie Drunk & Ugly
88 Fingers Louie Selfish Means
Adolescents No Way
Against All Authority Dinkas When I Close My Eyes
Agent Orange America
Agent Orange Bloodstains
Ann Beretta Straight Shooter
Anti-Anti The Gold Old Days
Anti-Flag Turncoat
Anti-Heros Fuck Hollywood
Apocalypse Hoboken Personal Best
Aus Rotten Poison Corporations
Avail Black And Red
Avail On the Nod
Avail Simple Song
Bad Rackets Couple Million Miles
Bad Religion Fuck Armageddon, This is Hell
Bad Religion heroes_&_martyrs
Bad Religion Voice of God is Government
Bad Trip Something More
Belligerents Hate My Job
Belligerents PBR
Black Flag Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
Boy Sets Fire Boy Sets Fire – Pure
Buzzcocks What Do I Get
C.Aarmé Tu Puta Mi Casa
Channel 3 Mannequin
Code 415 Executive Control
Code 415 Stand and Fight
Consumed On The Take Again
Consumed Wake Up With A Smile
D.I. Hang Ten In East Berlin
Dag Nasty I've Heard
Death of a Nation Just Like Me
Decendents I'm Not a Punk
Descendents Bikeage
Descendents Cool To Be You
Dillinger Four "I Was Born on a Pirate Ship! " (Holdyourtongue)
Dillinger Four Folk Song
Discharge Free Speech for the Dumb
Domi Step Back
Doomed Youth Police The World
Down by Law Put The Boots In
Dropkick Murphys Barroom Hero
Dropkick Murphys Do Or Die
Dropkick Murphys The Warrior's Code
Fear I Love Livin' In The City
Forgotten No Control
Forgotten Shot Down
Fugazi Public Witness Program
Fugazi Waiting Room
Gallows In The Belly Of A Shark
Goin' Places Never Forget the Ramones
Good Riddance Shame
Good Riddance Yesterday's Headlines
Gorilla Biscuits forgotten
Grounded Loud and Clear
Happy Campers Wave The Flags
Heckle So Much The Same
Hi-Standard Teenagers Are All Assholes
Hudson Falcons The Right Way
Joy Division Warsaw
Kid Dynamite Heart_A_Tact
Lagwagon Alien 8
Lagwagon Automatic
Lagwagon Heartbreaking Music
Lagwagon Leave The Light On
Lars Frederiksen & The Bastards S.P.D.
Love Equals Death Bombs Over Brooklyn
Love Equals Death Pray For Me
Manikin Stand Still
Millencolin Kemp
Minor Threat I Don't Wanna Hear It
Minor Threat Straight Edge
Minutemen Shit From An Old Notebook
Minutemen This Ain't No Picnic
Mudhoney Fix Me
New Mexican Disaster Squad Tightrope
No Use for a Name 3 Month Weekend
No Use for a Name Invincible
No Use for a Name No Use For A Name – Angela
No Use for a Name Noitall
No Use for a Name Permanent Rust
No Use for a Name Why Doesn't Anybody Like Me?
NOFX 100 Times Fuckeder
NOFX American Errorist (I Hate Hate Haters)
NOFX Hobophobic (Scared Of Bums)
NOFX Olympia, WA
NOFX Perfect Government
NOFX The Irrationality of Rationality
One Man Army and the Undead Quartet It's Empty
Only Crime Tenebrae
Operation Ivy Caution
Pennywise Disconnect
Pennywise Homesick
Pennywise My Own Country
Pennywise Time To Burn
Pennywise Wouldn't It Be Nice
Pennywise WTO
Pulley Fuel
Rancid Antennas
Rancid David Courtney
Rancid Indestructible
Rancid Out of Control
Refused Bullet (Misfits Cover)
Reverend Horton Heat Go With Your Friends
Reverend Horton Heat Reverend Horton Heat's Big Blue Car
Reverend Horton Heat Suicide Doors
Rise Against Black Masks and Gasoline
Rise Against Dead Ringer
Rise Against Ready To Fall
Sainte Catherines Ring Of Fire = 4 Points
Screeching Weasel Degenerate
Screeching Weasel I Wrote Holden Caulfield
Screeching Weasel Nobody Likes You
Selby Tigers Dolph Indicator
Selby Tigers Droid
Sewing With Nancie Sorry in Advance
Sick of It All Borstal Breakout
Smoking Popes Before I'm Gone
Smut Peddlers Rebatron Party
Snapout (aka Fastpace) Hope
Soapbox Revolt Stand Tall Stand Proud
Social Distortion Ball and Chain
Social Distortion Ring Of Fire
Social Distortion Story Of My Life
Sound of a revolution Come on let's go
Spoiled Rotten #2 Media Frenzy
Stiff Little Fingers Guitar & Drum
Strike Anywhere Prisoner Echoes
Strike Anywhere The Promise
Strung Out Bring Out Your Dead
Strung Out Calling
Strung Out Jackie-O
Strung Out Party In The Hills
Subhumans Religious Wars
Sublime We're Only Gonna Die For Out Arrogance
Suburban Armchair Paranoia Clear Channel
Supersuckers Pretty Fucked Up
Swingin' Utters Jackie Jab
Swingin' Utters Swingin Utters – Derailer
Swingin' Utters Swingin Utters – No Pariah
Swingin' Utters Tell Me Lies
T.S.O.L. Abolish Government/Silent Majority
T.S.O.L. Sedatives
Take Warning Fallen Angels
Texas Is the Reason Back And To The Left
The Boils Bullies
The Bouncing Souls Sing Along Forever
The Bouncing Souls The Ballad Of Johnny X
The Bouncing Souls The Gold Song
The Bouncing Souls True Believers
The Briggs Media Control
The Clash Safe European Home
The Cremators The best is yet to come
The Diffs Master Plan
The Distillers Idoless
The Distillers Sing Sing Death House
The English Work Standard Crickets
The Explosion The Explosion – Deliver Us
The Falcon The La-Z-Boy 500
The Flatliners July! August! Reno!
the grays ct folsom & 23
The Hives Die, All Right!
The Hollow Points My Misfortune
The Lawrence Arms Beyond The Embarassing Style
The Loved Ones Jane
The Loved Ones Suture Self
The Lower Class Brats Go Insane
The Mad Caddies All American Badass
The Mad Caddies Contraband
The Needles Captain America
The New Bomb Turks 01 Born Toulouse-Lautrec
The Nobodys Joe's Sister
The Replacements I'm In Trouble
The Replacements Stuck in the Middle
The Riot Before Fifteen Minute Revolution
The Saints (I'm) Stranded
The Stitches Cars Of Today
The Suicide Machines Pins and Needles
The Unseen Scream Out
The Used 801 Underground
The Vandals Go
The Vandals I'm The Boss Of Me
This Is My Fist Story of Reconversion
This Ship Will Burn Epic pt 1 – Rise of An Empire
Tiger Army Annabel Lee
Time Again Cold Concrete
Towers Of London Air Guitar
Trial by Fire To Whom It May Redeem
UK Subs Emotional Blackmail
Uncle Tupelo D. Boon
Uncle Tupelo Punch Drunk
Void Who Are You
Whiskey Rebels Roll The Dice
Youth Brigade Live Life

Quakecon 2007

It’s beginning to look a lot like…

That’s right! It may be winter outside, but it’s time to start planning that summer vacation to the ultimate multiplayer gaming event and party – QuakeCon 2007. We’re locked and loaded for August 2-5, 2007 at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, TX, and we’ve got more gaming, events, exhibits and fun planned than ever before.

This year’s BYOC Area will consume the entire Trinity Hall 1, with over 70,000 square feet of floor space and 2,700 player spots – over 1,000 more seats than 2006. We’ve also increased the exhibit area 5X to 25,000 square feet, enough to accommodate up to 50 exhibitors demonstrating their latest games and computer hardware. Of course, it wouldn’t be QuakeCon without our high-stakes pro gaming tournaments; and attendees can also look forward to the return and expansion of our enormously popular and one-of-a-kind “Quick Draw” tournaments, which pit randomly selected attendees against each other in high-pressure battles for serious cash. And in keeping with QuakeCon tradition, every day will be packed full of contests, conferences, announcements, and entertainment.

BYOC Registration:
Registration for the BYOC Area will kick off at 9:00pm EST on March 2, 2007 at, and if you’ve been under a rock for the last 12 years, the event continues to be FREE thanks to the support of the incredible volunteer QuakeCon Staff, id Software, and our yearly sponsors and exhibitors.

QuakeCon Room Reservations:
The Hilton Anatole is now taking room reservations for QuakeCon 2007 through their custom QuakeCon reservation link or through their toll-free reservations number, 1-800-HILTONS. To receive our specially negotiated room rate of $131 (single, double, triple, or quad occupancy), and our special daily self-park rate of $5 (regularly $15 per day), you must request the group rate for “QuakeCon 2007” or book through the link above when making your reservation. The Hotel requires a $50 non-refundable deposit on group reservations, which will be credited to your final room bill upon check-out.

Companies interested in receiving information on our totally new sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities should email We’ve restructured the participation options to be more inclusive and affordable than ever before, so don’t miss out.

More QuakeCon 2007 information, including airline and other travel discounts, will be available in early 2007 so stay tuned to Now, mark your calendar, book your room, request the time off, and do whatever else it takes to join us – we’re already looking forward to it.