Category Archives: Xbox

Microsoft Raises The Bar With Halo 3

But not in the way you may be thinking. We just recieved a Press Release "Fact Sheet" outlining all the details for Halo 3. At first, it looked like any other Press Release until I got to the details on pricing.

    Price: Legendary Edition, $129.99; Special Edition, $69.99; Standard Edition, $59.99

Yep, you read that right. For a mere $129.99, you too can be the owner of the shiny new Legendary Edition of Halo 3. Doesn't Earl Shives paint cars for less that that? WoW! $130 for a video game? Are you serious? And how many nuts out there are going to pay this much for a game?

So, if you want to read the full Fact Sheet, click on Read More… It's all there in it's overly priced glory…. 

Continue reading Microsoft Raises The Bar With Halo 3

Xbox Live Is a Casual Gamers Dream Come True

Like an MVP rushing for 1900 yards, Xbox Live, the first and only unified online games and entertainment network, celebrates record heights surpassing 50 million downloads from Xbox Live Marketplace, doubling the 25 million mark hit just three months ago. Gamers are swarming to Xbox Live at a breakneck pace – logging more than 2 billion hours online – to experience online multiplayer gaming, addictive Xbox Live Arcade titles, the latest game demos, movie trailers, and music videos.

Xbox 360 gamers are flocking to Xbox Live in record numbers following the release of “Madden NFL 07” on August 22nd from Electronic Arts. Within the first week of release, gamers unlocked more than 600,000 achievements and Xbox Live hosted more than 2 million hours of game play. This is equivalent to 228 years of online gaming in the first seven days alone.

“Texas Hold ‘em” set a day one record as the fastest downloaded item ever on the Xbox Live Marketplace, with over 100 downloads per minute in the first 24 hours of the title’s release. For the first time ever, Microsoft offered a free full-version Xbox Live Arcade game to all Xbox Live members during the first 48 hours following launch. The title is the first poker game on Xbox Live Arcade and includes high-definition graphics, persistent bankroll, achievements and online multiplayer.

Top Xbox Live Statistics

  • More than 50 million downloads of gaming and entertainment content from Xbox Live Marketplace to date
  • Over 2 billion hours spent on Xbox Live by gamers across the globe since the launch of the Xbox Live online gaming network in November 2002
  • More than 60 percent of Xbox 360 owners are connected to Xbox Live
  • 1,300,000 text and voice messages are sent via Xbox Live every day. Currently totaling half a billion sent messages between the Xbox Live community per year, this figure is set to explode with the launch of the Xbox Live Vision camera on September 19, 2006 in the U.S.
  • 65 per cent of all connected consoles already downloading and playing Xbox Live Arcade titles
  • Over 8 million downloads of Xbox Live Arcade games following the launch of Xbox 360
  • Over 2 billion Microsoft Points sold to date

Click here for more information about Xbox Live or to become a member.

Next Generation Xbox With HDTV Capabilities

Microsoft, whose Xbox gaming console was beat to the market by one full year by the Sony Playstation 2, hopes to trump Sony’s upcoming Playstation 3 this year with the worldwide announcement of their next generation Xbox machine tonight on MTV. Rumors of the name of the new Xbox have surfaced on the Internet with most speculators guessing the system will be called Xbox 360. The Xbox has some distinct advantages over the PS 2 including a built-in hard drive for saving games, however, Microsoft has been playing second fiddle to Sony since entering the videogame market.
Continue reading Next Generation Xbox With HDTV Capabilities

Razes Hell….. LOL!

I have no idea what this game is, but when it talks about one of your own staff members like this, you have to give it some publicity…… hehehe

Razes Hell puts players in the role of Raze, a hideous-looking hero, whose purpose is to stop an invasion of adorable characters (known as Kewletts) and restore his planet to its natural ugly state.

Sorry Raze…. I couldnt resist…. Click Read More for the full PR scoop….. Continue reading Razes Hell….. LOL!

Mage Con Spring II.. April 22-24

Mage Con Spring is coming up April 22-24th. As usual well have a LAN held over the course of the 3-day event. This year, Corsair, Nvidia, and Bawls are helping to sponsor the event with a few local vendors Advanced Computers and EZ-Drop as well. Website gives a rough idea wha tis currently planned. As this is the first year of pursuing sponsorship and being that games have hit a tech gap for some players with games, only a select games are certain but there is plenty of open options pending having the machines to run such games. The Forgotten Hope Tournament & Warcraft III tournaments will be the main events. There will be at least three types of FH Tournaments that are under discussion now. Prizes for FH will be from the materials sent by the sponsors with the main prizes being choice of a Corgi Die-case model.

We have 10 availible to give away.
5 Axis; 2 Tiger 1s (diff model each), 1 Panther, 1 BF-109, and 1 FW-190.
5 Allied; 1 Cromwell, 1 Churchill, 1 Sherman, 1 Spitfire, 1 Mustang

The idea being during one tourney, the top 3 finishers will get one of the Tanks. 1st place getting 1st choice.. 2nd getting next..and then 3rd..

There will also be an “Aces” Tourney.. where the top 2 finishers of either side will follow the same with the planes.. were currently looking into getting possibly 2 more planes to even it out..

And Overall tournament will be held in a game TBA.. possibly FH.. that we will give away Corsair 1 Gig 512×2 PC3200XL with programmable LED Display. This is the same RAM my machine currently runs with.. minus the LED.. and its matched pair runs flawlessly.. Im also forfeiting my eligibility to win this prize no matter what tournament its held in for fairness, as this was provided thanks to Corsair.

There are also Case badges for Nvidia and Corsair, various stickers, Hats from Corsair, Shirts from Nvidia, 4 posters from Nvidia, Pens and keychains from Corsair. Local vendors are also donating items but as to what they are we dont know at this time.

The all-weekend pass is 25 at the door, 20 if you pre-reg, daily passes are also availible as listed on the website. There will also be a one-time fee for the tourneys involving the larger prizes, the manager is deciding what would be fair in those regards as of now. However there will be plenty of Open Gaming going on, and anyone can play and take part in many of the events going on. Questions, Suggestions Comments I can be reached via PM.

— Everclear

Live Chat with the Creators of Gary Grigsbys World at War

Gary Grigsby introduced me to PC Wargames with a little game called “Steal Panthers” that hooked me from the moment I played the demo in 1996. Mr. Grigsby is still making turn based strategy games with tremendous depth, and here is a press release regarding a live chat event happening tomorrow:

Matrix Games to Host Live Chat with 2by3 Games on Feb 17th at 10:00 PM Eastern

Staten Island, NY, Feb 16th, 2005 – Matrix Games ( and 2 By 3 Games ( are happy to announce a live chat session with Joel Billings and Gary Grigsby of Gary Grigsbys World at War that is open to the general public. The topics of discussion will be their upcoming title Gary Grigsbys World at War and their previous title War in the Pacific, which is currently available from the Matrix Games website.

This rare opportunity gives fans and newcomers to the genre a chance to ask the creators of the game nearly anything they want, either about the games or about developing complex strategy titles. The chat is set to begin at 10:00 PM Eastern US time from the Matrix Games website. The chat is accessible through the Services section of the Matrix Games website ( Joel, Gary, and others will be taking questions from as many fans as time allows. Continue reading Live Chat with the Creators of Gary Grigsbys World at War

Gamers of OSU present Frag Limit, NOV 20th Stillwater OK

The Gamers of Oklahoma State University present Frag Limit, Stillwaters premier lan, November 20th 10am-late. Frag Limit is held in the Bennett Hall cafeteria on OSU campus. Frag Limit features tournaments, give aways and plenty of lan gaming. Tournaments at this event include:

1v1 UT2k4 DM
3v3 UT2k4 CTF
3v3 Call of Duty Team DM
5v5 CS: Source
4v4 Halo 2 Team DM

BYOC Lan admission is $5 with pre-registration at our site and $6 dollars at the door. Halo 2 tournament fees are $20 per team. Tournament registration will be located on our site as well. Tournaments scheduling: TBA.

Prizes are as follows:

1v1 UT2k4 DM 1st Place = $15 cash
3v3 UT2k4 CTF 1st Place = $30 cash
3v3 CoD TDM 1st Place = $15 cash
5v5 CS: Source 1st Place = $25 cash
4v4 Halo 2 Team DM 1st place = %40 of all tournament entry fees
4v4 Halo 2 Team DM 2nd place = %25 of all tournament entry fees
4v4 Halo 2 Team DM 3rd place = %10 of all tournament entry fees

Other prizes will be determined at the event, door prizes will be raffled off as well. For other information regarding the event, such as updates, registration and maps check our website at For any questions mail

QuakeCon here we come!!!

Atomm, BlueGuy, Breaky, ephil and Goose are about to take the trek to QuakeCon 2004!

ephils wife was EXTREMLY kind enough to paint his Durango for the trip. These are night shots, so the day shots should come out a little better.

Be sure to check in with us on tons of pics, news and maybe a few videos of QuakeCon 2004!!!