Category Archives: Doom

Inaugural Doom 3 Championship Winner

Atomm here, live from Quakecon 2004, where I just witnessed the final match of the Doom 3 Championships. This matched pitted Daler from Austin, Texas against none other than fatal1ty from Kansas City, Missouri. In an interesting twist of fate, fatal1ty came from the loosers bracket in this double elimination tournament. Even more interesting is the fact that it was Daler that put him there.

This looked to be a close match. In the end, Daler was no match for the skillz of fatal1ty, who beat him hands down, in both matches. Wish you could have been here. We will see you next year!

The Sound Of Doom 3 has a really cool interview with Chris Vrenna, formerly of NIN. If you didnt know, Chris is the mastermind behind the dark, eeriely cool music from Doom3.

In 1996, the inclusion of a soundtrack by Nine Inch Nails in the computer game Quake made it clear to anyone watching that entertainment categories had blurred and that gamings importance as a vehicle for music was just beginning. The blood-splattered world of Quake (like Doom before it) was key in the drive toward a personal cinematic experience–a Holy Grail to which many of the best video games aspire. A crucial element for a convincing, compelling experience is sound, and the era of the celebrity sound designer for games now overlaps neatly with the fame of celebrity producers.

QuakeCon 2004 Doom III tourny info

From the official QuakeCon website.

The NVIDIA DOOM 3 Inaugural Deathmatch Championship will be based on a lottery system for player selection.

When QuakeCon attendees check-in for the event, until 10:00PM CDT on Thursday, August 12th, they will be asked if they would like to participate in the NVIDIA Doom 3 Deathmatch Championship. If the attendee wishes to participate, their name will be added to the lottery database.

At 10:15PM CDT on Thursday, August 12th, QuakeCon Tournament Officials will randomly select 128 names to compete in the tournament, an additional 42 names will be selected in case of no shows for a total of 170 names. The list of competitors will be posted on the QuakeCon intranet site, and will be available in the tournament area.

Again, selection for this tournament is completely random. Anyone who wishes to participate in the tournament must indicate so when they check-in for the event.

This system will ensure that there is no chance to sell tournament spots, or for any one person to have a larger chance of competing than another.

Photo ID will be required at QuakeCon registration, and at the Doom 3 Deathmatch Championship.

If you have any questions, please contact

Hope to see you in the tourny!!! 🙂

Doom3 Reqs

As seen here

The Doom3 Reqs have been released. They are as follows:
• A 1.5-gigahertz Intel Pentium 4 chip or AMD Athlon 1500.
• 384 megabytes of memory.
• Two gigabytes of hard drive space.
• An nVidia GeForce 3 graphics card or better; or an ATI Technologies 8500 or better.

I think most of us must exceed these in order to play BF:V, but for those of you who dont meet these, you have under a month to get ready. Now if only Doom3 had more than 4 slots for multiplayer.

Doom 3 Multiplayer?

One of the biggest questions that has been going around about Doom 3 is “What will the multiplayer side of Doom 3 be like?”

Last year at QuakeCon 2003, we were able to see a version of Doom 3 in a four person multiplayer event. Well, it looks like thats where the buck stops… But wait, does it? Not really according to an interview between Gamespy and Robert Duffy [id Software Programmer].

“GameSpy: What are the current player-hosting capabilities of the game? Is it still designed around 4 players, or has that been expanded?

RD: DOOM 3 multiplayer is based around 4 players; however, internally it is not limited to that. Mod teams will be able to support more.”

View the complete article here.