Tag Archives: gog

How to run aol’s nwn on windows 10 using neverwinter nights offline and ssi unlimited adventures

I was showing a friend of mine some of the old school Gold Box Dungeon’s and Dragon’s games on GoG.com when I thought about AOL’s NWN. For me, NWN’s on AOL was the game that lead me down the path to this site. I made friends on there I still talk to this. There have been a few games in my life that I’ve truly loved playing and being a part of AOL’s NWN was something I will never forget.

I started wondering if anyone had ever figure out a way to make the game playable offline or remade it in another engine.

I found both had happened a while back, but I missed them. There was an online version built in the Bioware Neverwinter Nights engine. Sadly, I’m about 10 years too late as the game has come and went. I would have loved to be in that world again, especially on a new engine.

As I kept digging, I found there was an initiative to recreate the original Gold Box version using AD&D Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures aka FRUA. If you are not familiar with FRUA, it was an attempt to give everyone the tools to build their own modules. Over time, there has been an impressive set of recreations and over 30 years later, it’s still active.

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